Ici et maintenant

Yoga Association in Angoumois
in Rouzède near Montbron

Yoga teacher graduated from the French Federation of Hatha Yoga (FFHY), I offer group lessons in French or English in Rouzède and around Montbron.

” I wandered. I let go of so many burdens,
I rejected the world and faced all my struggles,
I freed myself from the superfluous
and I conquered my desires.
Then I sat down. And I saw.
There was in me and in my empty hands
Burdens, fights, superfluous, desires and the whole world

I then started all over again.
I embraced my burdens, held the world close to my heart, questioned my struggles, amused myself with the superfluous and danced with my desires.
I was standing and yet I was really sitting”

Federico Dainin Joko Sensei, Zen Master

Come together in this time when you are present, with all that you are, here and now.


Become this presence is the path of evolution that Yoga can open for us.

Graduate of the French Federation of Hatha-Yoga (FFHY), created in 1968 by the Indian master Mahalingappa Ghatradyal (Shri Mahesh), I can offer courses in the tradition of Indian yoga.

Shri Mahesh was the first Indian to settle in France to teach Yoga.

Orphaned, he grew up in an Ashram in Karnataka, where he was introduced to yogic techniques from an early age. He became a running champion in his country at the age of 14, and it was to represent India at the Olympic Games that he came to France in the 1940s.

With the support of professors Jean Filliozat and Paul Mus of the Collège de France, Jeanine Auboyer, curator of the Guimet Museum, as well as Doctor Françoise Dolto and the Minister of Culture and writer André Malraux, in 1961 he created the Center for Cultural Relations Franco-Indian, which aims to make India known in France.

In this context, the yoga taught within the FFHY, over four years, is free from any religious dependence and any therapeutic practice. It is taught through postures and breathing exercises codified in India for centuries.

 It is aimed at all audiences, young and old, and can be adapted for people with disabilities.

In Yoga, we do not achieve a posture, we tend towards…

Yoga is adaptation because life itself is adaptation.



Courses in French and English

I offer group and / or individual Hatha Yoga classes in French or English according to your preferences.

Courses suitable for seniors

I also offer gentle Hatha Yoga classes suitable for seniors – group or individual sessions, in a classic room or in a health establishment.

Course prices

First discovery session offered

  • Membership of the association: 5€ (compulsory)
  • Book of 10 sessions (1h15) at €60 – Payable in 2 instalments if necessary. To be spent throughout the year – Equivalent to €24 per month for one session per week
  • Unit purchase: €8 per session
  • Private lessons (1h15, in French or in English): €16
  • Gentle yoga for seniors in healthcare facilities: Group or individual sessions. Price to be studied on request

Class times

  • Saturday morning, in French, 10:30 a.m.
  • Wednesday afternoon, in French, 5 p.m. – Gentle yoga class
  • Thursday afternoon, in English, 4 p.m.

Course location

  • Rouzède Village Hall (Salle des Fêtes)

The benefits of Hatha Yoga

•  Soothe your physical or mental tensions

Do you feel stiff in your body, reduced in your movements, short of breath, assailed by restless, heavy, negative thoughts, losing coherence with yourself, even out of the movement of life itself? 

Yoga helps you to soothe, release these physical or psychological tensions, clarify your feelings, amplify the breath, recirculate the energy within you, strengthen your inner foundation, through movements which are proposed and never imposed.

“Posture helps but does not guide. It is the mind that guides, it is the mind which must be controlled » Shri Mahesh

Live in the moment

Go from the cult of the instant to the flavor of the moment
From the search for speed to that of slowness,
From simple respect for hierarchy to openness to fraternity,
From doing to “letting do”,
From heaviness to lightness,
From overstepping your limits to joyfully accepting them,
From the quest for performance to that of tranquillity…

Sylvie PASQUALAGGI-SOMMER : Yoga teacher graduated from Hatha-Yoga French Federation, School of Paris

I started Yoga at the age of 20, at the same time as I was studying Political Sciences, International Law and later International Management. I interrupted my practice when I dived into the deep seabed of the corporate world, in Brussels, London, Madrid and Paris, to come back to the surface when I started teaching economics, law, then Yoga since 2017 after graduating from the French Federation of Hatha-Yoga… so I stretched out on my back and floated, felt the breeze cooling my face, lengthened my breath…

Let me tell you a few things about my own journey

Marked by my long experience as a family caregiver, I was keen to transmit this yoga first of all to a vulnerable public in a hospital environment. The recognition of the other as a brother, is fundamental there; it alone confers the qualities of patience and benevolence without which the process remains futile.

I then taught it, in the Var for several years and more recently in Charente, to classic or senior audiences, in search of a pleasant activation of their body, a feeling of the flow of life itself, or a moment of parenthesis out of time and space. 

In any case, everyone remains the sovereign master of their postural technique, listening to their body.

“No one can bring happiness; one can only find it within oneself. The goal of yoga is not to impose a path or the other, but to give ideas so that the persons can seek on their own” Shri Mahesh.

  As you have understood, the practice of yoga is not akin to gymnastics; it is a state of mind.

Shri Mahesh’s Teaching Philosophy: How to Gain Inner Strength

The general philosophy of this teaching is a method conducive to the enhancement of your inner strength: the instructor does not show himself to be seen, admired, imitated.

The postures unfold from within yourself, every experience is individual.

A posture is achieved from the moment when its feeling by the practitioner is conscious, stable. There is no good or bad practitioner as long as the quest is genuine, consistent and fair. 

By becoming more self-confident, we start taming our thoughts, relaxing our body, amplifying our breathing, tempering our feelings. 

We gain in quality of presence to ourselves and to the world. 


Need additional information? Want to take a course ? Don’t hesitate to contact me.

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